
The 3 crucial pillars of successful weight loss

Written By Unknown on Saturday, December 8, 2012 | 4:37 AM

weight loss exercise class
weight loss exercise class (Photo credit: ninahale)
By Toby Edge

In the fight for long term weight loss the majority of dieters fail, and fail miserably. The simple reason for this is because they fail to put into place the 3 most important pillars for permanent weight loss.

Ok, so everyone knows about and focuses on pillar 1, nutrition. Most will also look at pillar 2, exercise and try to incorporate that into their plan to lose weight. The third and final pillar, however, is frequently neglected to the detriment of the dieter. This final pillar, mind-set, really is the foundation of the entire structure.

Let's not go ahead and look at these 3 pillars in turn.

Pillar 1 - Nutrition

You know that without proper nutrition you will not be able to lose weight. Its as simple as that. However, its not as simple as a calorie in verses a calorie out. Weight loss nutrition really comes down to health and sustainability. If you are looking for some magic diet you're not going to be in business for long. A healthy diet leads to a healthy system, and you cannot have successful long term weight loss without a healthy internal system. It's as simple as that.

Pillar 2 - Exercise

Now, you can see great weight loss results without exercise in the short term, but perhaps not in the long term. Exercise provides all sorts of benefits, not least in helping to develop that healthy system that I just mentioned. More than this, exercise helps with all sorts of things like hormone control and manipulation as well as metabolism. These are crucial elements to understand for long term weight loss.

Pillar 3 - Mind-set

In reality, the two above pillars will crumble and fall to the ground eventually unless this third pillar is in place. Why? Well, simply because unless you have the right subconscious mind-set, you'll never stick with the right nutrition or exercise plan for long. Now, when I say mind-set, I'm not simply talking about what you think consciously about weight loss, but how you are subconsciously programmed. This is what will determine the direction you life takes.

Unfortunately the vast majority of dieters fail to understand or recognise the importance of mind-set for long term weight loss. Without this pillar in place, everything else will crumble to the ground eventually, and all your good efforts to this point will have been wasted.

Each of these pillars are crucial. Its like a structure built on 3 supports. If one support is destroyed, the structure will collapse. So focus on each in turn, but before you do anything always make sure that you understand the importance of mind-set as a priority.

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